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Stave Falls Elementary
Forest & Nature Program
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​​​​​​​​​Thank you for your willingness to support Stave Falls Elementary with your time and energy!

We welcome parent and community volunteers to participate in our school activities and look forward to building a warm, welcoming community at our school. 
School volunteers provide a valuable contribution to the successful operation of our school​.  The support that volunteers provide to our students has a direct and positive influence on their education. 

While encouraging volunteer involvement, we are also committed to providing a safe, secure and caring environment for all our students. 
To support this, we require all volunteers to complete a criminal record check and a volunteer application.

​​Volunteer Procedure & Forms​
  • A Criminal Record Check (CRC) is mandatory for all volunteers who may be alone with students, without the near company of school district employees. Activities where a CRC is required for volunteers include, but not limited to, coaching school teams; accompanying students on overnight field trips; and driving students to and/or from school sponsored events.
  • A CRC​ is effective for 5 years and volunteers are required to provide an updated CRC every five years.
  • There are no fees for volunteers.
  • CRCs are held ​in strict confidence; a central database of all processed CRCs is maintained by Human Resources Department.
Volunteer Applicat​ion (Required)
  • All individuals interested in volunteering at a school must complete the Volunteer Application form. The form needs to be completed for each school year that an individual applies to be a volunteer.​
  • Volunteers ​must submit their application to the school principal and complete the appropriate forms before being assigned to any volunteer services.
Volunteer Driver Application (Optional)​

​​Criminal Record Check (Required)
Please note, the BC Services Card App is needed to complete the online application. App verification can also take a few days to complete.
Online Application:
Access code: Contact the school office