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Stave Falls Elementary
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​​​​​​​​​​​Bell Schedule
​Welcome Bell​​
Classes Begin
​10:00am - 10:15am
​Lunch (Eating Time)
​11:45am - 12:00pm
​​Lunch (Outside Time)
​12:00pm - 12:30pm​

​​Critical Incidents
​​One of the most fundamental responsibilities of the school system is to ensure the safety of everyone at school, and school districts have a Duty of Ca​re for those attending school. This s​​hort guide is intended to assist parents in understanding the terminology and planning around emergency situations and their aftermath in the school setting. While every effort is made to have accurate and up to date information, please be aware that no guide can cover every possibility or the nuances that may occur between different scenarios.
Parent's Guide to Critical Incidents​​​

​​​​Student Services
Mission is proud to be a diverse community, and our schools reflect this diversity. All students should be actively engaged in their learning environments. Mission Public Schools is committed to providing the best supports possible for children. This is a quick guide to help parents understand their role in their child's education.
​Parent's Guide to Student Services​​


​​​​​Concern About My Child's Educational Program
  • ​If you have a question or concern about your child's academic and/or social-emotional well-being at school, you should talk to your child's Teacher. Their Teacher may consult with the Learning Support Teacher and/or the Principal. This may, for example, initiate testing for specific needs your child may require.
  • If you still have a concern after speaking with your child's teacher, then you should speak with the Principal. 
  • If you still have a concern aft​er speaking with the Principal, then you should call the Director of Instruction of Student Services.

​​​​Additional Information
Raising Digitally Responsible Youth
Extended Absence
Threat Assessment Protocol - Fair Notice
Inclusion Calendar Guide
Mission Public Schools Student Services Resources for Parents​
​​District Parents' Resources & Links​
​Feeding Futures Snack Program - BC Fruit and Vegetables Program
​Feeding Futures Hot Lunch Program
Simply Foods Lunch Program